Goldacupuncture for Dogs
Questions and Answers
Which diseases can be treated?
GOLD ACUPUNCTURE is used to treat mainly chronic arthritic joints, which are very painful to the dog and can restrict its mobility.
The same principle can be applied to any other animal, especially to horses. The most common reason for GOLD ACUPUNCTURE is a diagnosis of hipdysplasia. Elbowdysplasia, arthritis of the hip, knee, talocalcanean joint, shoulder and elbow, and an ossification of the spine (spondylosis) can also be treated. In horses i.e. navicular disease and spavin are treatable with GOLD ACUPUNCTURE.
We also got some good results with the Wobbler syndrome.
What can be achieved with GOLD ACUPUNCTURE?
How long is GOLD ACUPUNCTURE effective?
What are the side effects?
What are the risks?
When carefully performed by an expert, the risks are very low. To bring the gold-beads into the acupuncture points usually requires no general anesthesia. The dog only receives a strong sedative injection, which is tolerated even by old dogs
and can be rescinded with an antidote.
If the gold-beads were directly introduced into the joint, the dog would hardly be able to walk because of even greater pain. At this time there have been no reports of such an occurrence worldwide.
To avoid these complications, it is absolutely necessary that GOLD ACUPUNCTURE is carried out only by those vets who have a long experience with acupuncture.
Learning the basic technique is not too difficult but the skillful application in individual cases, on the other hand, requires thorough background knowledge.
What happens if GOLD ACUPUNCTURE has not achieved the desired results?
What is done in performing GOLD ACUPUNCTURE?
Conventional examination will confirm which joints are affected. After performing a cardiovascular check, the dog gets the sedative injection. As soon as the dog is asleep the respective acupuncture areas are clipped, washed and disinfected. Now a thick hollow needle is inserted into selected acupuncture points. A tweezer is used to insert the appropriate number of gold-beads into the needle and pushed down with a mandrin. As soon as all points have been treated this way an X-ray can be taken to ensure the proper placement of the gold-beads.
(see x-ray)If the dog owner wants or if the animal needs it the antidote injection can be given, and after a short time the dog will awake. In this way all affected joints can be treated during one session.